Secure Perspectives
82% of healthcare providers that have implemented Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices have experienced a cyberattack on at least one of those devices over the course of the past 12 months.
The biggest threat from these IoT cyberattacks is the theft of patient data.
- Ryan Gutwein
If 2020 has been anything, it has been a stress-test on the ability of organizations to adapt to rapid and disruptive change. Some organizations are waiting to a return to normal, while others have accepted the present state as the new normal. Regardless of which outcome you are experiencing, one thing is almost certain certain; the dynamic of teleworking has changed.
- Jeremy Blevins
As you begin to do your research on reaching CMMC guidelines, one of the first questions you’re likely trying to answer is what level your company needs to meet. It’s one of the first questions asked, and rightfully so; once you know what CMMC level you need to meet to reach compliance, all you have to do is begin implementing the controls and guidelines to reach compliance.
- Chandler Hall
Learn simple, helpful tips you can utilize when protecting your devices.
- Tom Goodman
Do you have questions about the CMMC? Find your answers here!
- Jartinez Boston