Sentar Technologies

Sentar has a strong history of innovation, spurred by a culture of curiosity to find solutions to difficult problems.

Whether developing and applying emerging technologies to solve age-old problems, or tackling new problems arising from the deployment of new technologies, Sentar has been at the forefront, establishing a reputation for developing technologies and pursuing concepts that were “ahead of their time.” We were earnestly working with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and agent-based algorithms in the early 1990s, participating in the AIAA committee for AI standards, and leading the publication of an ANSI Guideline for the development of Knowledge Based Systems (KBS). Sentar was awarded multiple patents and secured numerous SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) projects to apply those technologies to solve real operational challenges.

For example, Sentar principals led the design of one of the earliest industrial grade AI systems that was fielded and used by the US Intel Community (IC). As national security systems became more inter-connected, the challenge of cybersecurity captured the attention of our researchers, and we began applying AI towards securing our defense systems even before formal requirements to do so existed. Some of our early work even formed the basis for DARPA’s Cyber Genome Program.

Most recently, our team has launched an investment in SentarWERX, an initiative that allows Sentar team members to collaborate on custom, tailored technology solutions that best fit client needs.

These and other highlights are captured our History of Innovation.

Explore Sentar's Core Technologies


Automated Software Vulnerability Scanning


With CodeValor, developers were able to spend less time analyzing false positives and more time reinforcing the code to better serve and protect the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS).

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Cyber Modeling for Operations Resiliency


MissionValor encapsulates the analysis of threat/attack vectors, maps to mission dependencies, and predicts mission operational impacts, enhancing the cyber resilience of the operational/mission system.

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Fault Tolerant Intelligent Agents for Knowledge-Based System Management


In order to effectively capture and maintain mission-critical knowledge assets, many of today’s organizations require large-scale, knowledge-based systems. KnoWeb™ helps you make sense of that data.

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Sentar's History of Innovation​

History of Innovation

For years, Sentar has been known for developing technologies and pursuing concepts that were “ahead of their time,” including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and agent-based algorithms.

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