Huntsville Company on Executive Mission

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WAAYTV – Channel 31 Global Story

Cyber security is something we’re learning more and more about each day. It’s becoming is so broad, and so critical, that it can be dangerous if not protected.
Now, one local company tapped by the Obama administration is working to keep you safe while surfing the web, Sentar, Inc.

Peter Kiss, CEO and founder of Huntsville based Sentar started this company 19 years ago with just three employees. Now he has 40. They provide the government and the military with technology and software solutions. Just recently, Sentar was was just one of a few companies tapped by the Obama administration for input on cyber security.

Peter Kiss: “This is shaping the policy of the administration for cyber security.  This is where they’re going.” Cyber security is one of President Barack Obama’s top priorities and Kiss and his employees say with us living in such a network centric society-it’s crucial to have a system in place to protect vital information that is in the cyber world…which they call the new wild west.

Deborah Williams, the program manager for Sentar has been working with presidential level committees on the national cyber security policy. Deborah Williams: “Cyber security is going to dominate many years to come and we’re in the position to make Huntsville be a part of that.” Williams will be in Washington, D.C., Wednesday for more Presidential level committee meetings.

Reporter: Haley Baker

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